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Used in conjunction with Sales (referenced from Brief)


Our High-Tech, Robust, 21st-Century System works as follows:


1)  Register by downloading and completing CONFIDENTIAL Abcrr Application, or similar set of information, now (see App Notes below):


To be an INSIDER, for top-tier, often exclusive communications

Our best Collaborators usually do this within 1-2 business hours of being requested.

Example (took 20 minutes while on the phone and changing/uploading documents).


2)  Do 1) to Register EACH of your Collaborator, Funder, Owner, Seller and Buyer contacts (rather than simply saying "fill this out then email it back"):


Start the App from interview or research

Email to the candidate setting a time to ...

Help them finish interactively

Learn much more in the conversation

Email the final version to the candidate for review/comment/update/records


3)  Register your Funder-Owner-Seller-Collaborator agency on EACH Project/Business by downloading and completing as much of the Aproject App soon as possible (see App Notes below). In addition:


Provide the first 1-2 overview pages pasted in the return EMAIL

Include all your attachments AS ONE PDF: create with recent versions of Word, Excel, Publisher, Win2PDF Pro, Adobe Acrobat Pro or OpenOffice, then MERGE with PDFSAM (all downloadable, are free, except Pro versions which usually have free trial versions).

We often view these on the road - usually on a phone - and don't have time or phone power to look through the PDF to find the overview.

Remember our Mission


4)  Once yours and associates’ Abcrr Apps have been accepted by PS, a Non-Disclosure, Non-Circumvent and Fee Agreement (NDNCFA) is emailed to that Buyer/Collaborator, and ...


5)  The income arrangement is finalized.


6)  When the signed NDNCFA is received, the Seller's Collaborator issues detailed information on the project.


7)  Collaborators, Referrers, Representatives, and often Funders, Sellers and Buyers, show their collaborative intent and to receive the latest on Business, Projects and Insights by:


Joining our Announcement Group Collaboration Announcement List

Subscribing to our Blog, and

Following our Personal and Company profile at LinkedIn.


8)  Follow communications recommendations at CommRx


9)  Collaborators nurture both parties towards a funding, sale or close:


Meetings - phone, in-person - between Funders, Buyers and Sellers (ScheduleAcall – Video preferred)

Letter of Intent or Offer

Due Diligence


Payment(s) to Funder, Seller as well as immediately to Collaborators who pay their Referrers (Funders and Buyers pay their Representatives)


10)  Continue business with Funders, Sellers, Buyers, Collaborators, Referrers and Representatives - finding, seeding, joint venturing and guiding new/expanding ventures - to multiply income several fold.





We evaluate Projects and Businesses at 4-12x the actual or projected full-production, Annual Net Profit (EBITDA) and sell them for a bit less.


Some buyers accept 20-50% of the in-situ (in-ground) water/air/metal/mineral/elemental assets, depending on the level of production.


On NDNCFAs and Apps for all Collaborators, Funders and Buyers:  this is to protect us and the Seller/Owner from fakers and scammers who want to get close enough to the Seller to negotiate up-front income, or they are trying to steal the project or its intellectual properties.  The only alternative is to state in the Collaborator’s NCNDA by that he/she has a solid NCNDA with the Buyer or official Representatives, and that the Collaborator has insured that his/her Buyers or Representatives are legitimate before introducing them.


We are not currently licensed to offer JV or Investments to our Buyers, but this is sometimes the result.  Until our company is fully licensed in securities, we need to become part of the company for a company to pay or for us to accept JV or Investment percentage Income.  We also operate as fee- or subscription-based consultants.  See CCCC


Whether sale, JV or investment, our minimum income is 2% of the greater of:  the final purchase price, the minimum purchase price, or 2x the Full-Production Annual Net Profit (EBITDA).   (Obviously, a top-priced sale is the preferred outcome.)


We are continually looking for MoreResources (Companies, Collaborators and Capital)




Our Referral Systems is documented at Sales (Income Sharing / Referral Income)


App Notes:


ADVANCED SYSTEM These Applications are based on 30+ years of completing, analyzing and using input forms from dozens of buyers, Funders and successful consulting companies. You will gain invaluable insights far beyond most Sellers, Buyers, Investors, Consultants, Referrers or Representatives, learning more as we interact further.


10-20 minutes on each App can be worth US $1mm++ income for each full Collaborator (2-20% of that for Referrers and Representatives).


The more we know about each other, the more opportunity we have for doing lucrative deals over the long term.


We've noticed a high correlation between the speed to complete Apps and the production/communication-level of a Buyer, Collaborator, Referrer or Representative.


The Excel format is very transportable and of course the standard in computing.


TRUE APPS There are other sheets in each App that immediately re-format the input data for our database and other forms/uses - can be adapted to any Buyers input requirements.  (For very cooperative Collaborators, with their own data bases, we share these currently hidden sheets with you and can create a sheet specifically for those databases.)


For aggressive and highly-cooperative Collaborators, we can customize the Apps to email the App to his email address for smoother operations to make this "his" App.


IMPORTANT: each incomplete App submittal, or lack of submittal to each request for an App, will result in a permanent loss of an incremental 1% off your income from Prosper Systems to a minimum of 1%: 10% becomes 9%, ... 1%.


HELP: if you find yourself too busy or need direct help, it is provided at the top rate by our Project Support Services.


Questions?  Email on the Steps; include them in the Apps' Comments column.


Latest Project Sales Sheet Links and EXAMPLES of the Aproject data destination:


Mine-PCM - Idaho Mine - us$480mm - 10% income to share (web page*)  <<<< A tremendous bargain - more added to the broker version


Mine-PCSP - Texas Silica Project - us$60mm - 10% income to share (web page*)


*.htm web files; for regular PDF file, when Sheet comes up, change the .htm to .pdf


Best Regards,


PROSPER SYSTEMS, LLCKenton H Johnson, Founding Member • Brief (For Referring and Participating)Development
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(with Video options)

Copyright © 2015-2023, Prosper Systems LLC, Denver CO USA. All rights reserved. Latest update, 9/1/2020, KHJ